Friday, November 07, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt8

it's not going to achieve a single thing in hell except feed Conroy's ego.

What sort of firewalling is used there I wonder. :)

BTW, I've been reading more on the topic of filtering from the USofA "obama is not our saviour, he's just a naughty boy" POV and have discovered that a lot of folk (particularly the kinds of xtoids who did NOT help vote him in) are of the view that once the prez elect gets sworn in, he'll be pushing for mandatory filtering to not only stem the flow of all the usual suspects (pr0n et al), but also the kind of web pages published by their kind of xtianity as opposed to the liberal kind that helped get him where he is.

Sure, he's said that he wants a method of filtering used that does not do violence to the constitution etc ... but how close to the cliff-edge do think that might be ?

Nothing is more scary than a socialistic minded left-wing type when they are given power, and I wouldn't be too surprised that if a year or so down the track, Oz, the EU and the USofA actually do some collaboration into common filtering and common laws in relation to it.

I don't think it is unreasonable to think that, regardless of how much a "Obama nation of desolation" (say 3 times quickly and then wonder where you might have heard that before) some might think it to be.

I also think the Governments of the EU (et al) will be looking on with great interest to how the Oz government gets this up – we make an interesting test bed considering the extremes of distance in our land vs the actual number of folk we have living here.

In short, I don't think this ISP Level Content Filtering thing is just about the future of the internut here in Oz, but rather ALL governments would love to find/have a way to better control it.
