Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

Well at least we can still chat with prostitutes then

LOL. Nice one, centurion.


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

The day this becomes fact I leave Australia

I'm puzzled by this oft repeated sentiment (and not just by you). Do you actually think the majority of Oz will care should you choose to not be a part of the society they want for the nation, and leave ?


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

to me, all that says is that the most effective filters also have the highest incorrect block rate

which in response, the non naughty web page will have to be fixed up by presumably non naughty web designers who will earn a dollar or two korrecting the incorrect web pages, the government will collect its GST and income tax off that, the economy will be minutely stimulated in a different kind of way, and the internut will be made a little bit better.

It's called "change" and "progress", and life is full of it ... and would we really want it any other way ?


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

They don't. They do their best to control what they can't. They are scared of what they can't control.

"They" (our elected babysitters) do their best to control (a) what the majority of us want them to do their best to control, and (b) what is in the general best interests of the country to control (and usually tax :)) and © what is the best interests of the time they spend in those lofty places of such control and what financial reward and recognition it can bring to them in both the short and long term.

Obviously "c" comes first in all of this ... :)

We (the majority) want "them" to generally keep us healthy, reasonably educated, with jobs and income, safe from evil foreigners who wanna come here and take our jobs, spread their disease, and seduce our daughters, as well as ensuring that the booze and smokes keep flowing along with uninterrupted sport all year round on our free to air digitial tv piped down to our massive plasma screens.

"They" know that as long as they at very least appear to manage a reasonable percentage of all of that, no one will really care much what else "they" might like to do in terms of fulfilling option "c".

So, fool the mums and dads into thinking that they need not worry what little Johnny is up to on "teh web" coz darling Krudd has it all under control for them (and pass another stubbie luv, the cricket is about to start !), and the majority of Oz population is quite happy, and the pollies pat themselves on the back and think about the next bonus and percentage of guarenteed super they can award themselves with.

Generally, this kinda thing works pretty well because the truth is, most of us ARE happy enough with the percentage we get out of the basic "quid pro quo" system.

BTW, I voted FF and Nationals and Libs, with ALP way down the line and the evil (now extinct) Democrats and Greens right to the bottom ... tis all on my blog. :)

This debate needs to be about stopping censorship. Of any sort. In any form, whether media or internet.

Well you know I'm going to have to disagree with you on that and that I don't actually think you mean it at all. Are you suggesting that child pron and neo-nazi hate speak (etc, etc, etc) SHOULDN'T be censored ? Are you trying to tell me that if someone placed such evil pron before your eyes you would look because to not do so would be a form of censorship, albeit self-censorship ? Wouldn't you want the authorities to come along and arrest the person who dared to expose you to such stuff ? Wouldn't you want it destroyed so it could never be placed before the eyes of anyone else either ?

I *DO* want continued censorship (and we already have plenty of it, just not enough.) I *DO* want newspapers and tv to continue to NOT show a whole bunch of stuff, and I wish they would get rid of a whole bunch of stuff already being shown (especially all those "call me" "flirt" type adverts on middle of the night TV that show a total lack of respect for shift-workers), and now that the internut is fast becoming the modern media of choice for the 21st century, I want similar and greater censorship to be brought to bear on that too.

So I assume you are happy for your tax dollars to pay for censorship.

ButOFCourse. Just like it already is, and as per the duty of those whom we have elected to Govern our country and direct our society.

What do you want ... anarchy ? Might work for you, but it ain't going to work for the majority of families out there ... nor a worthwhile future.


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

The question is should the government be able to control what we can and can't view.

Uh, they ("they" being those we continue to elect to babysit us) already do, richary, and this is merely necessarily extending what they already do in that regard into the (relatively) new areas/forms of information sale and transfer etc.

ie, the internut in its current (and hopefully soon to be radically changed to take it beyond any control of anyone) form.

"They" are doing exactly what we (the majority) elect and pay them to do as part of Governing this country – and this latest necessity is but a small part of that overall governance, with most of it you are already showing your support of in some way or another every day you choose to stay here and with every tax dollar you hand over.


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt3

The ideas here about raising children are just downright nazi-esque-Have you ever watched a Nazi propaganda film-perhaps you should-happy clean well-fed workers with a stable job, clean wholesome children all pure and unexposed to any corrupting influences-thats where we are heading.

Aside from the constant and boring dipping into Godwin's Law in all of this, I for one am all for Oz being majority populated by "happy clean well-fed workers with a stable job, clean wholesome children all pure and unexposed to any corrupting influences", and if indeed "that's where we are heading" then it is a Good Place.

What HAS got me worried is to discover that there are apparently folk in this country who DON'T want to have a majority population of "happy clean well-fed workers with a stable job, clean wholesome children all pure and unexposed to any corrupting influences" ...


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt2

Just out of interest, If Telstra flat out refused to co-operate with the government on this, as they "own" the lines in Australia as far as I know (not very far mind you) would the government have no choice but to back down?

Actually, shouldn't the "line" and "tower" owners be forced to properly ensure that their equipment isn't being used to mule illegal material/data/information around and in and out of the country ?

No need for "The Government" to pay the pretty penny associated with the "nnn" system ("National Net Nanny", acronym © derspatz 2008 :)) if they instead enforce the appropriate laws properly.

In fact there is quite a lot of money OUR Government can make from off privatised telco systems who fail to properly supervise and moderate their systems.

Time we make Telstra responsible for this sort of thing – after it is completely sold off that is.

While The/Our Government are busy doing that, why don't the rest of us get busy setting up city wide packet forwarding short-hop wireless networks using any/every machine available in the vicinity that can be convinced to come on board, and encrypted inter-town/city/state data links, etc, and leave most of the old internut behind like part of a staged rocket left to burn up in the atmosphere after doing its job ? ;)


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt2

Why bother..

I think we should bother because there is a better internut to be made out of all this.

Ah well, there are those who want to climb into leaky boats and discover the New World, and there are those who would rather stay on the dock with all the same old same old.

C'mon [deleted], where is your pioneering spirit ?


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt2

Incorrect. I don't support censorship, never have.

I suspect if we really start to distill your assertion just made, Dean, we will find all sorts of censorship going on in your day to day life that you are not only quite willing to support, but also quite happily too ... and a lot of it you are so used to either doing or receiving that you're probably barely even away of it.

In fact, I sure you self-censored when you were writing that reply. I know I am now. :)

I also think we are all hypocrites when it comes to non self-generated censorship.

For example, we often want various Powers That Be to stop, prosecute, remove, punish, etc, etc, etc Uncle Bill or Neighbore Janice for doing this or that because it is Soooo wrong or Soooo annoying (etc ... with the Sooo Wrong usually determined by subjective morality based thinking), but Filters Forefend that we ourselves could ever be deemed worthy of such attentions from the Powers That Be for our own Sooo wrong behaviour as decided by others !

Which is another reason why I'm somewhat amused by the apparent gnashing of teeth and chest beating over this obviously doomed to failure filtering system.


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt2

Do they not realise that this is all about suppression of civil liberties ?

I for one don't think it is, but looking past the common catch cry of "civil liberties" (usually used in the context of selfishness anyway) for the moment, what about such things as "civil responsibilities" and "community welfare", etc ?

Shouldn't community orientated "civic responsibilities" take precedence over the typically selfish individualistic subjective morality governed "civic liberties" ?

What did you expect would eventually happen when so many of the Oz population abandons its own responsibilities in so many areas of family and community life, in preference of a responsibility challenged life with The Government nominated as Parent ?

The Government is merely trying to do the job we've required and paid them to do ... oh, and no, I didn't vote for this particular one. :)

As for our "civil liberties", well perhaps we should start by realising that our first liberty is actually being allowed to behave responsibly. If more of us had actually exercised that liberty, then there would be nothing for so many of us to be going "waa, waa, waa" about.

"ask not what your country can do for you", and all that.

(PS: Mods, can you please delete my derspatz13 account – I've obviously managed to find my password to my original account)