Do they not realise that this is all about suppression of civil liberties ?
I for one don't think it is, but looking past the common catch cry of "civil liberties" (usually used in the context of selfishness anyway) for the moment, what about such things as "civil responsibilities" and "community welfare", etc ?
Shouldn't community orientated "civic responsibilities" take precedence over the typically selfish individualistic subjective morality governed "civic liberties" ?
What did you expect would eventually happen when so many of the Oz population abandons its own responsibilities in so many areas of family and community life, in preference of a responsibility challenged life with The Government nominated as Parent ?
The Government is merely trying to do the job we've required and paid them to do ... oh, and no, I didn't vote for this particular one. :)
As for our "civil liberties", well perhaps we should start by realising that our first liberty is actually being allowed to behave responsibly. If more of us had actually exercised that liberty, then there would be nothing for so many of us to be going "waa, waa, waa" about.
"ask not what your country can do for you", and all that.
(PS: Mods, can you please delete my derspatz13 account – I've obviously managed to find my password to my original account)