Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt31

Mark Newton writes...
I expect there's room for a balanced approach.

- mark

I concur.

Nice to see some words of true wisdom from "the other side" in this debate, too.


Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt31

'saving' the children from obscenity just leaves them ill-prepared for the real world... better to shove it in their faces and discuss/explain it with them than shield them from it all together.

Or alternatively try and make the world a better place for young AND old by encouraging one and all to consider the higher responsibilities of true freedom and the beauty of free willed sacrifice in order to bring worthwhile benefit to others, and the recognition that sometimes the weak-willed need to be helped and guided to the better path and way by limiting their choices in relation to that which hinders and degrades.

Surely one of the higher responsibilities of the truly free would be to make every sacrifice necessary to protect the innocence of children and by doing so, also be unselfishly contributing towards creating a better future for humankind, and surely, when it comes to the weak-willed who are either unwilling or unable to make such sacrifices, when it comes to The Online World, something like ILCF needs to be implimented to make the choices and defining/dividing line so much simpler.

Sure, "worldproof the child" while there is the need to, but why not also work towards "childproofing the world" until the day is reached where no "worldproofing" is required ?
