They don't. They do their best to control what they can't. They are scared of what they can't control.
"They" (our elected babysitters) do their best to control (a) what the majority of us want them to do their best to control, and (b) what is in the general best interests of the country to control (and usually tax :)) and © what is the best interests of the time they spend in those lofty places of such control and what financial reward and recognition it can bring to them in both the short and long term.
Obviously "c" comes first in all of this ... :)
We (the majority) want "them" to generally keep us healthy, reasonably educated, with jobs and income, safe from evil foreigners who wanna come here and take our jobs, spread their disease, and seduce our daughters, as well as ensuring that the booze and smokes keep flowing along with uninterrupted sport all year round on our free to air digitial tv piped down to our massive plasma screens.
"They" know that as long as they at very least appear to manage a reasonable percentage of all of that, no one will really care much what else "they" might like to do in terms of fulfilling option "c".
So, fool the mums and dads into thinking that they need not worry what little Johnny is up to on "teh web" coz darling Krudd has it all under control for them (and pass another stubbie luv, the cricket is about to start !), and the majority of Oz population is quite happy, and the pollies pat themselves on the back and think about the next bonus and percentage of guarenteed super they can award themselves with.
Generally, this kinda thing works pretty well because the truth is, most of us ARE happy enough with the percentage we get out of the basic "quid pro quo" system.
BTW, I voted FF and Nationals and Libs, with ALP way down the line and the evil (now extinct) Democrats and Greens right to the bottom ... tis all on my blog. :)
This debate needs to be about stopping censorship. Of any sort. In any form, whether media or internet.
Well you know I'm going to have to disagree with you on that and that I don't actually think you mean it at all. Are you suggesting that child pron and neo-nazi hate speak (etc, etc, etc) SHOULDN'T be censored ? Are you trying to tell me that if someone placed such evil pron before your eyes you would look because to not do so would be a form of censorship, albeit self-censorship ? Wouldn't you want the authorities to come along and arrest the person who dared to expose you to such stuff ? Wouldn't you want it destroyed so it could never be placed before the eyes of anyone else either ?
I *DO* want continued censorship (and we already have plenty of it, just not enough.) I *DO* want newspapers and tv to continue to NOT show a whole bunch of stuff, and I wish they would get rid of a whole bunch of stuff already being shown (especially all those "call me" "flirt" type adverts on middle of the night TV that show a total lack of respect for shift-workers), and now that the internut is fast becoming the modern media of choice for the 21st century, I want similar and greater censorship to be brought to bear on that too.
So I assume you are happy for your tax dollars to pay for censorship.
ButOFCourse. Just like it already is, and as per the duty of those whom we have elected to Govern our country and direct our society.
What do you want ... anarchy ? Might work for you, but it ain't going to work for the majority of families out there ... nor a worthwhile future.