$125 million over 400 ISP's is not going to go very far.
... and in a few month's time I reckon we could end up turning 400 ISPs into 4000 or even 10x that.
If the filtering has to go in at ISP level, then it only stands to reason that the ISP has opportunity to have an UNcleanfeed before cleanfeed.
So, like I suggested not too long ago, merely get yourself an ABN and a business name and then buy your ADSL internut feed at wholsesale prices as an ISP intending to supply other users for profit.
Just because you might not actually end up signing up any customers at whatever unreasonable price you might choose to advertise on a business web page won't mean that you aren't in the business, and in the meantime you can browse to your hearts content on the unfiltered side of the feed.
Win win for those interested, as you not only get your feed at wholesale prices, but you get to claim everything from your phone line to equipment to your "office", etc, etc, etc, as a tax deduction.
Time to think outside the filter, don't you reckon ?