Thursday, January 15, 2009

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt23

"You wish to restrict the very thing that is vastly improving our society for the better?"

Not in the slightest - it is the very thing I've been consistently arguing for because after all, for a successful and functioning society to remain that way requires continually RESTRICTING in various ways that which is detrimental to it.

Permitting "anything goes" does not a successful society make, so in order to improve our society for the better it only stands to reason that restrictions and regulations continue to be brought to bear upon virtually everything our society uses, which obviously must include our communication systems which are obviously currently able to be grossly mis-used ... and to the obvious detriment of us all at that when one considers the ancient observation and promise that "righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people", and all that.

In short, I'm all for making Oz a more righteous nation and society and for attempts to be made to prevent the spread and flow of that which poisons and corrupts our society (and clearly ILCF is one such attempt), but I'm also all for that which might also see Krudd's government ousted after but a single term ... I'll accept either as A Win but would prefer to have both. :)

I fail to see how the banning and/or prevention of sharing by our communication systems every kind of pr0n and unauthorised (c) content could be anything other than BENEFICIAL to our nation and society, let alone do anything other than IMPROVE the general speed and family friendliness of The Net.


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