Thursday, January 15, 2009

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt23

Mark Newton writes...
"It is a fundamental human right to have access to food, water and other necessities of life. You don't have to observe any kind of responsibility to qualify for that right."

Etc. Dunno where on earth you think this might be happening, but it certainly isn't in Oz, Mark. Last time I looked, if you wanna continue to get a Centrelink benefit then you've also got to prove that you're keeping up your end of the bargain re: your "mutual obligations".

We don't have the right to eat what we have neither earned nor been given and to do so is generally classed as theft and/or trespass and not much has changed in that regard since the days of Moses, etc. Sure, our society charitably will ensure various of us receive certain things here and there gratis temporarily in many cases and even permanently in other cases but generally there is an understanding that the receipient should be trying to get themselves to the stage where they earn their daily bread again instead of forever depending on the rest of us. How many societies do you know of that enjoy and welcome free-loaders forever bludging ?

Rights and Responsibilities intrinsically linked again, and in this case (as is usual) a greater expectation and importance on Responsibilities. ie, the responsibility of those in a position of being able to help to help and the helpless to turn that help into self-help. In fact, "Rights" barely gets a peep in that Very Real reality.

No one has a right to just jump in a vehicle and just drive all over the place any way they choose. What they do have The Right to do is sit the medicals and tests, learn the rules, and prove that they are aware of their road responsibilities. The presumption is But Of Course that they are then going to prefer those responsibilities but either way, "Rights" barely figures in that either.

This sort of thing is what I want to see happening for your precious internut (which is a convenience and a luxury but hardly something that could be deemed a necessity let alone a right, yet certainly something that comes with a whole load of associated responsibility) and I believe that the likes of ILCF is but a small stepping stone in getting across that necessary river.

To date ILCF has been sold badly but I reckon it and greater than it would be loudly demanded by the Oz majority if it was tied in with the reality of providing a lasting True Clean Feed rather than some twaddle about stopping CP.

And this is another reason why I continue to support it.

Another reason is because I don't want Oz to become like France.

And yes, I admit that another reason is that I hope the issue as it currently is helps see the ALP kicked out of government for a long time to come. :)


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