Thursday, December 04, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt15

Derspatz, do you not agree that perhaps people should rise up against the religious far rights pushing for control of the masses through censorship? Or are you one of the religious sheep that try to push your beliefs onto others?


I don't see the first of that happening; I see the a more middle/middle-to-right ground trying to be maintained, and one that I am in support of. That being said, if it happens to help bring the down-fall for a long time to come of the ALP, then it is a "Win-Win" AFAIC. :)

No to the second, as per:


1 comment:

  1. "Spam" ? Because it happened to link to post kept alive here that was blatted at whirlpool ?


    Methinks the noticibly heavy handed (something logged with another on the whirlpool mod team way back in the ILCF series) WarT doesn't like me all that much and is looking for the slightest excuse to see my my blat count increased in order to send me to the sin bin again (or worse) ASAP ...

    Each to their own interesting uses of power and forms of censorship and thought control I guess.

    Perhaps it is time that whirlpool owners remind some of their moderating team that the life-blood of a forum is (surprise, surprise) posts - especially posts that generate, you guessed it, yet more posts.

    I'd have thought that when it comes to forums, constantly aiming for blandness and unity tends to lead to stagnation and evaporation and overall is somewhat counter productive to the whole point of such forums in the first place ...



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