despatz, without meaning to offend, are you a religious person?
No [deleted], I attend no church or stadium, warm no pew or grandstand seat (not even at xmas or grand final day), repeat no ritual/ceremony or intone some anthem/chant. About the only thing Holy to me is The Truth, and even then I judge myself to be not worthy ...
Yes, a long time ago the acronym FRZ (Fanatical Religious Zealot) was coined for/because of me ... but that was long, long ago and a lot has happened since then. :)
But getting back on topic, I am all for our elected government's attempt at controlling illegal material on the internet not because any kind of sense of "I know what's good for you, so you should do what I say" (where "I" = "derspatz"), but rather because it is the Right Thing for our elected to be attempting in relation to bringing the landscape of the internut into line with the law of the land.
In short, regardless of how successful it is, to not attempt this would be wrong, or at very least at odds with what happens offline.
The McNet/internut isn't some sacred cow to be worshipped and be untouchable ... it is merely just yet another tool designed to serve us and be moulded and continually rebuilt and modified as is best to serve us in the same way any other tool or system is used in our societies.
Oz has developed commonly agreed upon (obviously not unanimous) notions of what should be deemed illegal for the sake of the society and culture we want. It only stands to reason that just as we seek to limit the import/export/spread of that deemed illegal in our offline world, the same should apply in our online world.
Thus, our elected government whom we are obliged to support once elected, are only trying to do what they were elected to do by attempting to bring Oz internut content into line with what is legal in our offline world.
Back to your first question [deleted], how about we agree that you don't ask me anymore about what sporting teams I support, and I don't ask you about yours, as it usually only decends into pointless and boring "my team is better than your team" type stuff, and that ain't what this thread is about. :)