What a dumb uneducated mole. Totally blinded by personal ideology and devoid of practical rational thinking. Totally the worst type of person to be running this or any agenda, but totally expected. People like her make my blood boil.
LOL. Cheers for the giggle. Obviously examples of Pots calling Kettles Black are good for my blood circulation. The truth is that if this concerned lady happened to share your view you would be singing her praises and updating the wiki.
How can you be sure (or even prove) that you haven't been "blinded by personal ideology and devoid of practical rational thinking" ?
When it comes down to "individual wants" vs "community needs", shouldn't the latter generally be favoured regardless of all manner of conflicting "practical rational thinking" and logic streams used to define and justify both positions ?
Especially when the welfare of our future, ie, The Children, is the ruling issue.
In short, shouldn't the welfare of the children in your community be deemed far more important than your individualistic wants ?