Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt13

Question for you: The Government could have tried all manner of things to protect children. Why, out of all of those things, is this one the one that's worth supporting?

Pure straw Mark, and you know it. This is not "The One" ... it is but one of a constantly necessary continuing and evolving many. The Anti-ILCF crowd just want to make it "the one", because of the unhealthy, unrealistic, and blinkered view they have of their sacred cow; the internut.

I doubt if anyone in here is really worried about losing a voice (regardless of what they might choose to vocalise). At most I reckon it is all merely the worry that they may be personally cut off or inconvenienced in access to their chosen anti-social poisons and/or forced to actually start paying for what they consume for a change.

In short, I reckon near everyone who is presenting themselves as being anti-ILCF is basically acting out of self-interest.

why aren't you dissing this proposal and advocating for something better? (oh, I know, "ILCF2.0." ...

I continue to try to redirect and push against the stream for the same reasons (and self interests) as I continue to cut my nails and hair.

ie, as the need arises according to personal tolerances.

... Pre-emptively: "Get a freakin' grip, David.")

And to those who have made the internut their sacred cow and dogmatically (and with all the conviction of a standard Fanatical Religious Zealot) seek to preserve its current incarnation no matter what the cost or reason, I ButOfCourse retort "Get a life ..."

Yet I'm deemed to be the Bad Guy because I happen to think it would be a great idea to drink from a clean stream and have peace on earth with goodwill shared/given by all. (rolls eyes)

A tolerance of "anything goes" is never going to deliver either.
