Their second attempt actually succeeded ... but with an opportunity cost that included a long standing and well respected Moderator renouncing their own forum membership and moderating hat.
Obviously using the "ignore" function wasn't enough for the rabble rousing member, and unfortunately my suggestion to "piss off" to "go and invade poland" fell on deaf ears too.
Now as this particular rabble rousing forum member had made such a big thing about their advancing pregnancy (with a forum topic dedicated to it even) and had shared far and wide various problems that had cropped up on the home front, and because this forum member had also expressed in various ways their desire to be stress free, I penned the following as a reasonable suggestion that could see her more important concerns suitably dealt with and without having to make the entire forum conform to her way of thinking.
[userid snipped] said: "a call was put out a few months ago by ADMIN of this place, asking for donations to keep the board going - doesnt that give us mere members some kind of right to air a grievance or concern?"
[derspatz replied]
Doing the right and responsible thing doesn't entitle such "rights" ... and such "rights" can't be bought either ... and nor should they be.
Also, perhaps it is time you started thinking a bit more about the unborn you've rendered yourself responsible for the well-being of and chose to clear off from this stressful and conflicting (etc, etc, etc) online environment that is so obviously provoking your ire and causing you so much grief and inspiring your repetative "wah, waa, waa"ing and desire to stomp your jackboots over anyone and anything that isn't to your liking, regardless of what anyone else wants or likes.
Why not use the remaining time between now and a certain precious birthday coming up to nick off from here and at last take care of all the crap in your much publicised offline life that has been allowed to slip and come back and bite, so that by the time the new mouth arrives to suckle, all is at peace and calm in your life ?
I doubt if anyone would mind if you took such a break, especially seeing how I suspect most would probably think it would be a good idea if only for the sake/wellbeing of the child you are carrying.
This is derspatz speaking frankly and sincerely here. I really don't think these forums are a healthy place for the unborn of a pregnant woman with a short fuse and the nature thus far exampled ... and I *definitely* don't think that the membership here should particularly change or moderate to accommodate one such as you as you are now, especially seeing how there are more suitable forums out there for ladies in your condition.
Why should we ?
Obviously this sensible suggestion and solution didn't go down well with the person busy trying to get members kicked out, and nor with the rabble being roused, and before anyone could say "go and invade poland" three times quickly, poor little me was slapped with the following:
Date: 24-07-2009, 08:32 PM
From: [A Moderator]
Subject: You have received an infraction at [location snipped]
Dear derspatz,
You have received an infraction at [location snipped]
Reason: Harmful action against another member
Personal attacks against other members will not be tolerated. You have no right to tell another poster when and how often to post, and certainly no right to bring their personal life into it.
This infraction is worth [snipped] and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post: [URL snipped ... and I've just reproduced it above anyway]
All the best,[location snipped]
And here is my reply I logged to that Moderation notice.
Date: 25-07-2009, 10:57 AM
From: derspatz
Subject: Re: You have received an infraction at [location snipped]
>> Dear derspatz,
Goodmorning [member names snipped] and/or the Mod Team. I'd like to log a reply for the record. No worries on the holiday, BTW. Tis your forum, your rules, and I continue to respect that even in the face of what I feel to be a mis-judgment this time around.
>> You have received an infraction at [location snipped]
Presumably because a certain gang up preferred to push a "report" button rather than actually properly read something. Ah well, my bad for not expressing myself a more clearly.
>> Reason: Harmful action against another member
I both disagree with and dispute that for I've not done any such thing as what follows in what is quoted below that:
>> Personal attacks against other members will not be tolerated.
Nor should they be, yet meanwhile we've got two threads [url snipped] and: [url snipped] created by a member here for the EXPRESS purpose of rabble rousing in order to get members they don't like, run out of here. A member who then used those threads to post [url snipped] and [url snipped]
Is it really a "personal attack" to calmly suggest to somebody who is so busy rabble rousing to get other members driven out that a well respected member of the Mod team renounces her position and membership here, that rather than try and drive out others, this place may not be the healthiest and best place for them right now ?
Seem kinda out of wack that an infraction should come my way on that.
>> You have no right to tell another poster when and how often to post, and certainly no right to bring their personal life into it.
I agree, which is why I've not "told" ANY other poster when or how often to post, ever.
The more posts, the better AFAIC - I'm all about trying to inspire more posts not less ... as opposed to the member(s) who seem to be more about shutting various folk up forever. I've also not brought anything into the online discussions regarding [userid snipped] in particular that she isn't busy sharing about herself and inviting comment on, complete with a thread dedicated to it.
Yes, one of my comments to what she is putting out about herself, questions as to whether this place is the healthiest place for her if she finds herself so in the need to run out of town other members who she chooses to have a problem with, just so she can have her peace and quiet and associated love-in.
Obviously the recent and repeated individually targetted upset [member name snipped] has brought to this forum lately doesn't sit right with me. Yes, it bothers me the kind of direction she appears to want to take this forum in ... and it obviously considerably bothered [resigned mod member name snipped] too.
I'm all for the accommodating of all points of view (especially when it leads to robust and lively debate and discussion), but these recent attempts by one person to drive other members out, is getting to be a real downer ... and are surely against Forum Roolz ?
That she also used both the [topic name snipped] and [topic name snipped] threads she created to basically suggest that donating to the upkeep of this free forum should entitle a say in its running, demonstrates at least to me where her mind really is.
The reign of "Queen Bee" in the Prisoner series springs to mind.
Anyway, for the sake of some peace and quiet while a few things die down, I'll cop this one sweet (and I suspect sweeter than if the ruling had gone in another more justified direction) and cheers for your time and patience.
I do like this place and I shall continue to promote and support it as far and as wide as my regular online travels take me, and hopefully it will never go down the path of exclusivity that the likes of [member name] seem to want to take it.
[repeat of original message snipped]
Feel free to comment, but (as per usual) don't expect outright abuse to be published ...
I'll add a comment to my own entry and say that I must admit that of late, the person I invited to "go invade poland" has been a lot more pleasant to share a forum with lately.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this whole upset and fall out gave her pause to reflect and self moderate, too.
If so, then deem my hat tipped in acknowledgement and a sincere "all the best" with that, included.
you and I know that you arent completely innocent in all of this, as much as you will deny. And by highlighting this, you are just going to stir up more trouble. Oh well, I did say I want a forum bitch fight, but to tell you the truth, everyone vs you its pretty shit. Tell Durbs to come back and start something, its been awhile......
Hey you! Just cruising around the web and saw this. Oh how I LOL'd. The desperate housewives won in the end. The place is more boring than a senior citizen's bingo night. Everyone so desperate to rim each other they have the cleanest arses this side of the Hell fire club!
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing about the whole shenanigans (hindsight is 20/20 as they say) is that without the 'characters' like Canis, even Drubsie god love her and yourself, it's just a headnodding "yes what he said" circlejerk of dull.
I had a peek there today and laffed till I cried at all the "zomgpleasedon'tclosedown" responses to Vid's thread. Any numpty could see clearly what he was saying but they love the drama sooooooooooo much they all started bleating like stuck pigs immediately. The BEST was KKK wanting to BUY the place. FFS, you already run it like a puppet master, why do you need to pay for the privilege?
T'is a shame, but there are only a handful of people there who can think for themselves, the rest follow the herd and it's mind numbingly dull.
I really hope that with the new design and format and hopefully an injection of fresh blood, the place could be revived.
I'm not holding my breath while the desperate housewives rule the roost though.
Miss you Ders! Your brand of crazy is always entertaining.
Brilliant post there dq..... Entertaining to read too. Your brand of crazy is also fun. And you're still a hottie, I bet too.
ReplyDeleteSteph,clearly you did not see the original message left by vids if you had you would understand why those who have chosen to remain members of the forum had concerned.
ReplyDeleteThe wording has now been changed and of course it is now clear to all that it is more or less a refresh and name change.
I absolutely agree that having a diverse range of personalities makes for a more interesting forum. However there is never any reason for anyone to personally attack others, this only shows the persons inability to argue/discuss points with a degree of articulation.
Your comments here have really surprised me, they are clearly directed towards the mums within the forum however from my observations, most of the mums within the forum seem to have easy relationships with most of the members whether they be 16 years old or much older.
Your comments made me feel sad for you, sad that you would feel the need to be so rude and disrespecful to forum members who you do not even know...puzzling.
Oh come on where is my reply?
ReplyDeleteIt was amusing.
Desperate housewives don't rule any roost, Steph. It's a big variety of people - and are you advocating the likes of Durbs and Canis returning? Seriously? Bernie was out of line with the "maybe you should be thinking about your unborn child" line and did need to be held to account for it. Does this mean I'm mind numbingly dull? Claire?
ReplyDeleteHave a good hard look in that hall full of mirrors I know you have... :P
Moira/Eliza, I quote you "there is never any reason for anyone to personally attack others, this only shows the persons inability to argue/discuss points with a degree of articulation" Really? So does that apply to the treatment of Derspatz as well? What about that DaniellaAshley girl? Or does it only apply to the "clique"?
ReplyDeleteSeems there is one rule for some and quite another for others, hence the reason I left the place.
I am sorry you were offended by my "desperate housewives" comment, but it really was only directed at one or two self righteous numpties over there, not necessarily you.
Please don't feel sad for me sweets, I have a very full and busy life, I only happened upon Ders blog and saw this post and it gave me quite a laff, thought I'd stir up the hornet's nest and see what dropped.
You didn't disappoint. Lol.
Bono, I wasn't actually referring to Claire, or Cosmo, but if you feel you qualify as a desperate housewife, don't let me stop you.
I don't think Ders was out of line actually. Things were getting quite heated and really he was only offering advice. A lot worse was said to him over the years but nobody seems to mind that.
You BBBA'ers are a funny lot. Anyone dare to throw stones into your little "community" and it's all guns blazing to defend it. Kinda reminds me of those Scientologists.
Too funny.
That's rich, Bono the woman-panderer, who is too afraid to post a controversial opinion which might offend the female clique, and who argues almost exlusively via insult in response to reasoned contradiction of his ill-thought out and fickle views, defamation and outright lies, comes here to lecture with his usual pompous school teacher tone.
ReplyDeleteFor once in your life be a man, Bono! No, no, no, not that type of man, but one who values independance of thought and freedom of expression; not bending to an idea of what the women-folk will think of you. Show some balls instead of acting like a spoilt brat who likes to bully but when stood up to runs to mummy for help to get him out of a mess.
And for goodness sake, give the complaint button a rest on BBBA. Even the moderating team there, whose job it is to protect the clique from diverse reasoned opinions, are getting sick of you.
Love Canis.