Sunday, January 25, 2009

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt24

P.J.C...Belgium wants in on European web blocklist

The world has gone stark raving mad!.

No, it is just a case of the usually silent moral majority being wakened from their relative slumber and at last getting the pendulum to swing the other way.

For too long too many of us have sat back and allowed the immoral and evil doers who share our oxygen to get away with abusing freedom of choice by choosing to do what is bad and negative for/to our communities, culture, societies and civilisation.

For too long we've allowed wickedness to increase unchecked so that instead of being able to allow our children to play unfettered and free from sun-up to sun-down, we are now too scared to let them out of our sight for more than 30 seconds.

For too long we've had to make concessions that at any moment can expose any of us by pure accident to that which we would rather have lived an entire lifetime without witnessing.

For too long we've given chances and second chances and tried and hoped to reason the best way forward to bring about the best world possible, yet for too long we've been forced to accept virtually without complaint or recourse things that are basically intolerable as well as historically part of the ruin of any culture or civilisation.

Well folks, your greed and lack of control has done it to yourselves yet again for at last the tide is turning, the pendulum is reversing its swing and there is a ground swell movement to roll back the philosphies and practices of the depraved world you want to inflict upon us all to our inevitable judgement and destruction.

And not before time.

Yup, I'm busy putting my time and my money towards a bringing to an end of the kind of world you want, and guess what, according to the promises and prophecies (if you prefer) that continue to prove themselves accurate with every passing day, not only is my time and money being well spent, but also that new and better world is eventually going to be achieved ... and not only that, but the likes of ILCF will not be needed in that world because no one will even dream of creating or promoting the kinds of things that would justify it.

The world has not gone mad. It has just finally got angry enough about the way the world has gone for so long to at last start trying to do the right thing about it.

ILCF is obviously not the perfect solution ... but it is a start in the right direction until certain people start choosing to make righteousness and doing the right thing by their neighbour a priority again rather than the base selfishness that currently is their norm.


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