Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Posted @ forum.behindbigbrother.com

I'm including the following post of mine from a different forum area to save certain whirlpoolers the trouble of searching it out. :)

Obviously my views come from the position that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth", and carry on from there to include the obvious logical conclusion that since God created, then there was a reason for doing so and an interest (and even a vested one at that) in it. My views come from the position that our bodies are merely temporary vehicles to be driven by something that has been designed to out-live the flesh in its current corruptible form.

From there I move on to Objective Morality ... that being a code/key to the best life possible, for our flesh and that which drives it as provided by the one who designed it.

In contrast to that, in these disturbing so called "modern" times, we have generations of humanity who have been brought up on the nonsense of there being no Creator or point to life but rather we are the accidental product of non-living sludge that somehow became life in the billions of different forms it takes now.

We are taught that not only is the no point, craft, nor design to life, but also nothing we do during our time alive actually means anything anyway and we are only fooling ourselves if we think it does for when we die we become nothing but a memory soon to be forgotten and there is nothing beyond the flesh and the materialistic and sensations it can experience.

Similarly we are taught that because there is no God, no Creator behind creation, that Objective Morality is nothing but a lie made up by certain humans in order to control others; a lie that should be abandoned in favour of Subjective Morality ... that everyone is both right and free to make up whatever rules and ways of being they choose because there is no such thing as right or wrong and even if there was it just doesn't matter because there is no point to life anyway and everything finishes with the grave.

Out of the foundationless mire of Subjective Morality you get the kind of tripe that is the dualistic (Kinsey) scaled pendulum named "sexuality" that seeks to divide people up along a two dimensional grading ranging from "hetero" to "homo".

And what a load of misery that kind of thinking brings ... but hey, once folk have abandoned knowledge of the Creator and the Objective Morality/Code for the Best Life possible and instead start believing that there is no point to life and near everything they are is because of the genetic makeup of their flesh, then it is no great surprise that they should start to claim they have no choice when it comes to a whole bunch of stuff, when the fact is they have every choice available under the sun but merely don't want to be held accountable for the poor choices they do decide upon.

Pardon me if I prefer the truth of the matter and choose to share it with my son ... anyway, who are you to judge if your lives and views are built upon subjectivity rather than objectivity ?

Subjectivity simply has no fixed foundation to measure from nor absolutes to deliver !

So, just like I tell numba1son, I'll tell you; Choose whatever you like, but "own your own shit" !

As for "offensive". Well as a wise guy once said: "There is nothing more offensive than the brutal truth delivered brutally to those who don't want to hear it".

Oh wait, that was me: http://forum.behindbigbrother.com/sh...1&postcount=37 :)

But Of Course, according to those embracing Subjective Morality over Objective Morality, I'm neither right nor wrong with any of this anyway.

So what's the problem ?


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