Monday, December 01, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt14

Why are you assuming the majority of Australians want this plan?

Part of my assuming is based on the not unreasonable notion that a probable majority of non-single women in Oz, especially those with children, would happily agree to all sorts of government enforced constrictions put on the net (and way beyond anything ILCF might manage) if it would return a greater degree of attention from their partner back to them and their family, especially if it came with the added bonus of making it harder for either their partners or children to accidentally or deliberately view material not beneficial to healthy family life regardless of whether it was via their own net connections or connections at other people's houses, etc.

Another part of my assuming is based on the not unreasonable notion that the majority of Oz population are more interested in their TV and mobile phones than the "online world", and just as long as they can still do their banking, ebaying, check out sports scores and tv guides, book holidays and hotels, and maybe even get the odd cheap international phonecall, the net is never going to rise above being much more than a novelty and convenience to them and never going to figure as being "the last bastion of free speech". If anything, such people just want easier to use online systems, and care not much as to how it is done.

Yet another part of my assuming is based on the not unreasonable notion that the more certain minorities bash on about "free speech" and the like in the face of a government talking about controlling pr0n and attempting to bring similar law and order online as is done offline, an increasing majority will side with the goverment on this, for there IS something distinctly worrying and suspicious about such long bows being drawn re: alleged "attacks on free speech" etc in response to a proposal to help clean up the online world to make it all the more child and family safe and friendly.

I've got other assumings to add to that if you really wish ...


1 comment:

  1. All published surveys have been against filtering yet you ramble on with 'assumptions' based upon no publicly available data.
    Why would you'assume' that your scrambled mind is in anyway correct when you are demonstratably wrong ?

    Perhaps you should be campaigning for funds in order to obtain professional help.



Got something worth saying ?