when you join Whirlpool, you agree to the rules...
When you come to a workplace, you agree with the policies of the organisation.
I agree wholeheartedly
These are very different to what you choose to do over your private bb connection that you pay for.
I disagree because when your argument is rightfully and contextually expanded out to include:
"when you choose to remain part of a community/society/country, you agree to abide by the laws created and enforced by the majority elected government for the benefit of the whole country"
... it is revealed that there is no fundamental difference between the filtering that our elected government needs to put in place to be in keeping with laws in relation to things illegal in the offline world, and agreeing to submit to arbitary moderator filtering in the WP forums, and agreeing to submit to the filtering policies of your workplace.
BTW, I'd appreciate it if you refrained from calling me or anyone else a "troll" just because they obviously hold a contrary view to you in relation to the ISP level filtering proposed. Cheers.