Thursday, October 30, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt4

This is essentially another step away from personal liberties with the blatantly false claim to 'Protect the young'.

Do you really believe that this is where it originates from ? You really think this is about child pornography? Really? I mean it's such a blatant and obvious excuse, I can't for my life see how people even regard that aspect of it. It has nothing to do with child pornography or protecting the children. It boils down to one aspect and one aspect alone.

Information control.

I believe you to be correct in this [deleted], and as much as I believe a degree of information control is necessary in varied circumstances, I also believe that information control should NOT be in the hands of "the few", but rather in the hands of "the many".

Moderation by Majority.

I also believe that the current majority (to this thread) approach to this latest attempt at necessary information control is the wrong one, for even if this does get shouted down through sheer volume of "waa, waa, waa" missives to pollies and media, it is only going to pop up again in a different form a little further down the track.

These sorts of things always do. I reckon that because the internut in its current form is so open to this kind of necessary attention from our elected government, it is high time it was taken up a notch and turned into something harder to touch in a meaningful way by "the few".

You're either for it, or against it. Simple as that. No. Really. It's as simple as that.

True to a point, but it is also possible (and dare I say, even useful) to be sincerely for it whilst also using the current pressure being brought to bear as merely a means to an ends for achieving better global communications for everyone.

Sure, compromise always accompanies pragmatism, but that is typical of opportunity cost situations, yes ?

What are we prepared to suffer in the short term in order to benefit far more in the long run when it comes to the future of the internut ?
