Thursday, October 30, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt4

Shesh you fail to understand things lol

This does nothing positive, nor block anything its supposed to

I reckon a lot of folk around here quietly know that I "understand things" all too well and wish I would just shut up and go away and stop bringing such calm rationality in response to the hysterics being so frequently example in this thread.

I've already stated that I am of the view that the filter being proposed is doomed to quite a degree of failure, but that is no reason why it shouldn't be attempted.

As for achieving something positive, well as I've already shared, I'm seeing this filter issue so many of you are getting hot under the collar about as actually a cause and opportunity for our current form of 'puter based communications to be forged into something new that will take it beyond the control of not only the Government, but also ISPs and even PAID for internut in the way it is so over-charged for ATM.

I've already shared that I see a future where every abode, transport unit from scooter to ship, odd item of clothing, bridge, lightpole, etc, is equipped with short range radio devices performing constant packet transport.

Yes, I realise that there could be some RF issues ... and an increase in cancerous tumours, but seriously, I am sure we can quickly come up with something that will see the timely end of the internut as it currently is ... along with ISPs and reliance on even telcos for all that much.

Ah, but I doubt if the ISPs or telcos would like that, eh ? We're just not allowed to have free communications, hmmm ? And especially not communications beyond Government control !

I for one don't think that the internut (a self-explanitory term I've preferred to use for a long, long, time) as it currently is, is virtually as good as it was ever going to get. I see it as just another stage to be discarded once it has served its purpose and been replaced with something better.

Is what we already have so good that we shouldn't seek out anything better ?

Are you angry enough about the promised Government intentions and interventions that instead of trying to "fight city hall" over the troublesome system we already have, you work towards creating a system that will render EVERY government impotent as to its control ?

I'd rather be reading positive visionary stuff about how we can take our internut into a bright new future, than all this negative "the govenment is going to break my toy" type stuff that mostly shall amount to nothing more than a mere taking up of bandwidth.

its very disappointing that your blind to the facts.

It's very disappointing that hardly anyone has chosen as yet to explore in here the positives that this filtering furor can birth in relation to a new improved internut.
