hear that filtering in America upset people when it blocked Superbowl coverage.
It seems they number their Superbowl series with Roman numerals and when they got to Superbowl XXX ...
You just watched the early Thursday morning repeat of the Press Club address too, huh ? He had some good stuff to say ... actually didn't come down on ISP level content filtering but did express how it rarely proves to be effective.
Interesting what he said about folk not allowed to enter into contracts until they are 18 and yet are able to say/do/present all sorts of things online in places like Facebook that have the potential to harm them far more than contract deals for phones, etc. Some companies might have some time in courts over this sort of thing not too many years down the track.
I also liked the suggestion that facebook (etc) accounts for kids should be accessible by their parents ... ah, but how to guarentee that one ? Do kids have "a right" to "privacy" when it comes to their parents, or is it merely a conditional privilage ?
Be good to see the suggested end of newspapers and magazines (replaced by constantly updating online versions) and was interesting to learn that America would rather give up mobile phones then internet then TV whereas we would rather give up TV, then internet, then mobile phones.
He did have some interesting things to say about necessary control of content and the need for quality sites to provide quality information and that in this speedy world more and more of us can't be bothered/haven't the time to sift through noise looking for the signal and so the natural progression for Web development is for sites to build names/reputations for themselves as being providers of good quality information.
I had to LOL when he described how Iran? (can't remember which country ATM) solved its filtering of unwelcome data issue by deliberately choking broadband down to dial-up speeds so no one could be bothered doing the big downloads any more.
No one tell Senator Conroy that as he'll be running to Krudd to say "I've figured out how to solve the filtering issue AND save you not only the cost budgeted for broadband development, but also the cost budgeted for filtering. Instead of trying to make it faster, we'll just make it illegal to go faster than 64/64" :)
Anyway, one of the better Press Club addressess of late ... I wonder if anyone happened to stream it and tube it, as it touched on many things which have been topical to this filtering debate and concern ?