Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt7

derspatz writes...
Not bad. Not bad at all, Mark.

I'm not just a pretty face.

– mark

Heh ... and according to page 2 of the Rogues gallery (Hi Val) not even. Nor I. :)


@ the end of the day, I'm sure balance will be achieved.

As for preservation of The Net against a hostile power hungry Government and/or special interest groups, I reckon we should consider the potential of the seed.

More on that another time, but I will say that trimming/lopping branches etc can be a never ending task ...

Every Government is replaced by another. The secret to survival is being either irrelevant or out of reach of all of them.

He who can destory a thing can control a thing, but he who can tame a thing can gain a devoted dependent servant and/or companion.

In the mean time, as someone wise once said; "It's hard to kick against the pricks" ...
