derspatz writes...Rights without Responsibilities are seldom deserved nor should ever be easily granted.
Mate, this is the government pre-emptively deciding that I deserve no rights and will fail in my responsibilities to society unless they step in and take care of it all for me.
No they are not. Our elected Government are merely attempting to bring illegal online activities and information into line with the same sorts of things done to control/prevent them offline.
Besides, you don't have The Right to break the law but rather merely the choice and ability to. If anything, all of us have The Right to share an environment where law breaking is rendered harder to achieve and law breakers are less likely to prosper.
The majority of people in Oz (particularly Krudd's "working families" et al) want law and order in this country and society, so it only stands to reason that methods used to achieve this should extend to every level and aspect of common life.
Which obviously must therefore include the internut.
Only those wanting to continue to selfishly flout the law without attracting deserved consequence would argue otherwise. :) :) :)