Derspatz I am curious the crux of your position seems to be that there is no valid argument against blocking content that is illegal in the first place.
A reasonable assumption supported by much waffle on my behalf so no disagreement there.
Do you believe that all laws made in this country are justified and morally valid?
No. For example, I have great problems with certain laws in certain states regarding surrogacy and IVF ... and more besides – but don't actually care enough (or am wise enough not to bother) to storm Government house throwing blood around and screaming "won't you please think of the children ... listen to me, for I am an adoptee".
What if two different democratic nations have different laws regarding the legality of the same thing, who is right?
The richest one with the most allies/useful friends and guns, But Of Course. Which one did you think it was ?
Don't you see how subjective this all is?
Yup, that is what one gets when they abandon the objective in favour of the (usually selfish) subjective.
Constant vigilance from the people who question the state at every turn is needed to maintain a democracy.
As I read earlier elsewhere of someone I respect moreso than is average of anyone else, "In everyone there is a demon desiring to witness/cause suffering. Whether this desire is manifested in an evening of Crash Scene Investigators, or the most vile and bloody murder, it resides in us all. If you don't believe me, just turn your eye inward. The demon will be there, waiting, grinning."
No, I don't trust you, the Government ... or even me, really – and I certainly don't believe you should you suggest that each should decide/live for themselves. We simply cannot be trusted to bring much good out of that without help of a more co-operative collective approach to things.
The fact that this debate is often discussed on the technical limitations is nothing but disgusting.
Disagree. The internut is not the be all an end all – but to make it so is nothing short of idolatry and thus worthy of even more resistance, scorn, and disdain.
Thou shalt not serve a machine made by thine own hands to serve thee and thine.
... or something like that.