Are you seriously advocating that the Government should have unlimited potential to break the law, by levying punishments without legally-required due process?
I'm seriously advocating that just as our elected governments ensure our nation's departments in relation to administering law and order are committed to crime prevention and peace keeping offline, that the same be applied online.
Better to prevent a crime from happening (especially when such prevention can be reasonably achieved to a reasonable level) than have to deal with it after the fact.
If you don't believe in that, then feel free to take down your firewalls, spam filters, virus checkers, security screens and doors, start leaving your vehicles unlocked and the keys in them, and start protesting to the government about all the money spent on paying the police and armed forces for being on patrol.
The proposed filter IS all about prevention, isn't it ... and not too much different to the many many layers of prevention that you both use and support already ?
BTW, I'm sure many readers in here will be interested to know when the ISP you are employed by is going to throw away its firewalling etc ... although somehow I think it would be more from the point of view of moving to another ISP than supporting such an idea.