Remember that ISPs will have access to the unfiltered feed if they so desired.
So there is your solution right there. Get yourself a business name and an ABN and purchase your internut feed at wholesale prices from which ever source turns you on and get access to all the uncleanfeed you want whilst even maybe selling some cleanfeed access to your neigbores.
A sole-trader business name registration will set you back, what, about $115 ? (can't be bothered getting off my butt to check out the price associated with the two different registered names and associated ABNs I have going ... it usd to be about $75 or $95 but has gone up now) and the ABN registration is free, and so too the new tax file number if you decide to do it as a trust or corporation (I use a trust for one of mine ... costs me about $660 a year in accountancy fees, but I come out a long way ahead because of it).
Ha. I can see it now ... all of a sudden Oz grows a couple of million registered ISPs and the tax department is kept busy processing a whole bunch more ABNs and quarterly GST submissions.
... actually, not a bad idea if you wanna try and break the beaurocratic system by way of overload.
And you lot wished I wasn't posting in here. :)