Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt7

buggered if i know why we are talking about radio when we should be discussing the internet ... keep on topic , that is after all where the filter is being proposed to be put is it not ?

Despite what I just said/suggested, case-sensitive does have a valid point when the subject is about broadly reaching communications, and it is a point that does tie in with my objection for so many in here to be treating the internut as the be all and end all of communications along with the hysterical nonsense that "free speech" would in some way fail if The Web/Net was no more.

Tis refreshing (though distracting and not necessarily welcome at this time) to see this new level brought to things however out of primary context, I reckon.

Doesn't mean I welcome it though. :)
