Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt7



Protection of families and children
Families are entitled to be protected by society and the State. Public authorities should keep this in mind when carrying out their duties. Children have the right to protection according to their best interests, without discrimination.

Limiting human rights
The Charter recognises that human rights are not absolute but may be limited in certain circumstances. Under the Charter rights may be limited but only when justified in a free and democratic society, taking into account relevant factors. These factors involve the following types of questions:

Which right is to be limited? Is the right very important in international law, for example, freedom from torture?

Is the purpose for wanting to limit the human right very pressing and important to society?

What sort of limitation is being imposed? How could it infringe human rights?

Is the limitation likely to achieve its purpose? Is the limitation excessive or out of proportion to its purpose?

Are there any less restrictive means reasonably available to achieve the purpose that the limitation seeks to achieve?

For example, the right to freedom of expression may be restricted in order to respect the rights and reputation of other people or for the protection of national security, public order, health or morality.

This allows a balance to be struck between people's rights and a need for Government departments and other public organisations to protect the broader public interest.

A particular irony of the whole document is that although it claims to be a charter of/for Human Rights and Responsibilities (as you can imagine, that last word got me excited), the actual responsibilities detailed are more to do with administrative departments as they relate to "Rights" than with individuals who may or may not be clamouring for Rights which may or may not be actually deserved.


Rights without Responsibilities are seldom deserved nor should ever be easily granted.

A bit like this crazy lawless and selfish notion of some sort of deserved god given right to unfettered uncontrolled/unmoderated/ungoverned internut access just because one has access to a feed and a device to connect with, really ...
