Monday, November 03, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt6

The problems I have with this bill (which have probably been covered ad infinitum) is that :

- "legality" seems to be subjective.

Surely no more or less than with every other law of the land, Koshatul ? The opposite of "subjective morality" is ? Now consider every other law and bill we have through the same sort of comparitive filter. Not at odds with the norm at all, is it.

- the list isn't available through FOI (we can't find out what is on the list)

If that is the case, it would make sense wouldn't it. Yes, we all realise that such a list will never remain much of a secret for too long considering the medium, but making it too easy for anybody and everybody to know the contents would be somewhat counter productive, yes ? We are talking about that which is illegal after all.

This isn't a solution, it is a pacification.

I couldn't have put it any better ... and wish I had. I've already repeately indicated my cynicism re: government motivation despite certain failure to the method chosen, but never have managed to express the truth you just shared as clearly and succinctly as you have just done. On ya.

- Conroy simply throws the "child porn fanatic" label at everyone who had disagreed with him.

Yes, he is being a politician and saying what a politician needs to say in order to obtain the most support from the most number of people who matter to him. Ooops, there goes my cynicism again. :)

As I've repeated when we just shoot down opposing opinions without fact or reason, we've become the what we are fighting, just in different clothing.

Well said, [deleted]. Also another reason to keep personalities out of things and just stick to the fundamentals.
