derspatz writes...The McNet/internut
do you make up new words just to be annoying, or is that some sad attempt at humour?
You're not trying to stifle my imaginative/creative output there are you [deleted] ?
But since you ask, I make up new words to make the point that suits me and to help convey more succinctly in my mountains of waffle some of the more basic observations I have made and would like to convey. Cheers for only offering me two possible responses to your question, and pardon me for suggesting that there might be more than two answers possible.
Yes, I do it to convey humour and yes, I realise that some might find the words annoying ... or annoyed that they've not been so imaginative or creative. Yes, there might even be those who find humour annoying too when it comes to the apparent sacred cow that is The Web.
Oz has developed commonly agreed upon (obviously not unanimous) notions of what should be deemed illegal for the sake of the society and culture we want.
show me where there is "common" agreement on the type of things they're talking about filtering THAT WILL ACTUALLY BE FILTERED.
Surely if the idea is to make online filters match what we use as figurative offline filters in relation to material deemed illegal in both places, agreement is already a given ? As for a 100% success rate, show me where that is already being achieved in the offline world.
In short, it isn't. Mistakes are made. Similarly, mistakes will be made with the attempts to bring about law and order to the internut.
Obviously you are not suggesting that we scrap all laws and disband the police force and fire all judges because the legal system doesn't get it right every time ... so why appear to be suggesting that law and order should not be brought to your particular order of McNet just because it isn't going to get it totally right every time ?