Thursday, October 30, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt4

I find it offensive you calling the worlds last uncontrolled medium "nutty" because there is information you dont like out there

I've been calling it the "internut" (for quite some time I might add, and long before coming here) more because of the how people more often tend to be when using it ... and I don't mind including myself in that because I'm only using the term good naturedly anyway, [deleted].

What I find offensive is the pervading and ignorant attitude that the internut as it currently is, is all it can and ever will be, and is somehow forever going to be at the mercy of the whims of this Senator or that Senator as per the wishes of their constituents.

I remember when we had Pretty Good networking without the WWW, and how the web was in the early days and how far and clever it has all become now.

Now it needs to go further ... and it will, but spare me this "oh woe, it's the end of the last uncontrolled medium" kinda stuff, because nothing could be further from the truth.

Just like with the climate, it is going through changes – but unlike the climate, the changes in this case will be man made. :)

... oh, and couldn't come soon enough.

Please, start thinking beyond this ISP-filtering thing.
