stop using 'internut', its pathetic to say the least
Hi [deleted].
You are entitled to your opinion re: my using the word "internut", but I'll not be stopping using it any time soon regardless of how pathetic you think it is, for it is a term I have been using for a long time which I also think is a helpful reminder of how nutty the WWW can be.
You are just as free to accept my chosen tag for this online world we inhabit as I am to use it but rest assured I am not using it to cause any offence either here or anywhere else ... and in the spirit of free and unfettered internut, nor should I be required to stop using it, yes ?
Have you tried streaming videos on a 256/64k connection?
I download the odd youtube now and then, and my method is to click on the link, turn off the volume, go do something else in another window (such a participate here) and get back to it later.
It is what I am used to, but I accept that it would be frustrating for someone used to instant/real time streaming to be reduced to my system of doing things.
Thus, it certainly sounds like in the short term I have far less to lose than many other around here.
Sympathies if what folk are facing losing is in relation to wholesome legal activities ...