Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt13

I am acting in the interest that there are no mechanisms in place to stop further Governments and various groups, family or religious for that matter, adding to the filter all things that are deemed inappropriate and unwanted by their standards.

Uh, that would be "our standards", not "their standards". Our elected government consists of fellow citizens of Oz; we are all in this together. Our elected government represents the general business and community and society interests of our country and when it fails to sufficiently do so, it is replaced by a new government consisting yet again of fellow citizens of Oz, but this time hopefully more inline with what the majority/consensus of our population what for our country and future.

As my blog shows (down to a complete list of order of my federal election preferences), I didn't vote in the government we currently have, and I'll no doubt be casting my vote against them next time around as well. However, I recognise that the voters of Oz put them into power this time around (and placed me into a minority) so I'll support this government in what I personally feel it is getting right, and whinge and moan about what I personally feel it is getting wrong – just like I do with any Oz government.

Generally, we elect our governments so we can prosper as a people, nation, and society; we put our trust in them (with the right checks and balances) to have a vision for our future and methods to get us there – methods that might even seem unpopular or inconvenient in the short term.

Without a vision though, we perish. I reckon that we can only remain a nation of the "fair go" while most of us are in support of doing the right thing. The "fair go" has been put under threat by too many trying for the "free ride", so now is the time to re-educate by all means possible as fast as possible before "fair go" becomes not much more than a memory.

TANSTAAFL, and it is time to pay what is fairly due or be deemed something less than flattering.
