_More than_ 99% of any ACMA blacklist is not going to be illegal – everyone here knows that!
The general public doesn't know that – and desperately needs to find out.
Once again, many if not most of the so called "general public" aren't really going to care at all just as long as they can still get the TV guide, lotto results, footy scores, do some ebay and banking, and get a local weather report.
Add to that all the women who would pragmatically be glad for nearly any reason at all for their husbands, partners, kids, etc to be spending less time plugged in and more time "as a family" or doing things with them and before long all you are really left with are all the usual suspects that add up to a minority not really worth worrying that much about.
Your sacred cow is not theirs nor mine and nor is it ever likely to be, so I think the "desperately needs to find out" angle is quite inaccurate, for "they" are probably not in the slightest bit interested in even respecting (let alone protecting) your sacred cow.
You know how prolly most of us in here have no time for the many kinds of door-knockers who come around and bang on our doors to try and get us to join up with their version of Reality ?
Why should the anti-ILCF zealots be treated any differently ?