So the week before last I rang my local MP Mr Peter Lindsay and was told to put my feelings in writing.
I did so and also emailed his office and heard nothing.
Etc, etc.
I don't understand why this sort of thing surprises you. At very least, doesn't the way you and most of your work mates approach their own jobs and virtually everyone you have ever observed in Oz in the way they go about their business, give you a fair idea of how the pollies and their offices go about theirs ?
There is no conspiracy – it all boils down to whatever the minimum is to get the necessary job done, and very little more on top of that.
We've elected a PM who (when not busy throwing away our surplus) likes to watch (as opposed to "do"), and cultivated a number of generations who not only see welfare as a right but also still whine and moan about it (let alone show the slightest bit of responsiblity towards contributing in any positive and useful way to our society). Is it any wonder that the rest of us have given up caring all that much any more ... what is left to care all that much about anyway ?
Our nation not only has become a Nanny state, but it now both needs and expects it.
Hence both the cause and necessity for ILCF or something like it.
Squeaking to your local member will only get you the kind of oil they mistakenly think you need ... you'd probably fair better at getting water from rocks than actually what you want from getting in the faces of pollies.
It's just another job after all – and one typically done badly.