Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt12

You seem to think that it's going to remove the stuff from the net entirely

No I don't, and nor do I think ILCF is going to do a perfect job of keeping "unwanted" stuff out of every home everywhere in Oz – and my many contributions in these threads should have made that sentiment clear by now.

If they want to clean up the net, spend more on law enforcement who can track down and shut down these sites

I reckon "do both". Track down what can be tracked down and shut down what can be shut down, BUT ALSO filter what can be filtered. The problem is multi-faceted and so it isn't unreasonable to assume that the solutions employed will have to be too.

that ultimately is going to help favour the profits of Big Business as well as putting the Government in more favour when it comes to families and families of traditional faith

"Big Business" isn't going to benefit at all, since most businesses have things like this which sit between the net connection and filter things as well as managing antivirus, antispyware, antispam and so on.

The context of "Big Business" as I've been using it, is not so much to do with people at work being unable to access certain material, but rather the Businesses themselves not wanting the general public to have such free and unfettered non-profit giving access to what is their property/information that they have spent good money to obtain or develop in order to sell in one way or another.

Such as (I've mentioned a number of times) the News Media and the Music and Film industries. Etc.

Sure, ILCF isn't aimed at protecting the business of those Big Businesses right off the bat but you can bet your favorite P2P software that it is rightfully on the agenda for further down the track.

Which brings me back to my point that the opponents of ILCF aren't just up against the likes of FF and most married mothers with children, it is up against some prime big businesses who have very little to lose and lots to gain by a better control and regulation of information on The Net.

Which in turn convinces me that the opponents of ILCF are backing a losing horse; there are far too many Good Financial Reasons for ILCF than against it from the POV of Big Businesses who are currently losing money that could easily be gained by the introduction of suitable filtering and controls.


[EDIT] Spelling.