I have now reviewed that show in the view of your stance ...
IMHO, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about the section where the doco maker went up against the A.I. in identifying pictures containg an animal in them. How did the programmer achieve the desired result without actually programming specific animals into some sort of reference database ?
Ask yourself, who would really want to be on a panel with the day after day job was to scan through millions of pr0n images and filmclips in order to catagorise and classify them ? Who would objectivity be maintained ? Actually, how would SANITY be maintained ... and how would the worker compensation be determined for that matter.
The problem is far bigger than any human can manage in terms of fulfilling the laws of the land re: our classifications system. Thus, we need an automated way of doing it, using A.I. type technology.
The "Where's my robot" program just on gave an excellent example of how an A.I. could be programmed to do that kind of job.