What about freindly fire? What unintended things might also go down?
Will the benefit outweigh the collateral damage?
Now we are taking things to a new subjective level, with as many opinions possible as there are people.
Short answer is "it depends", I guess. :)
Will the attempt to create a utopian society and protect people from themselves create a society that no one wants to live in?
Probably wouldn't be the first time, but I do think that we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves in the here and now. The internut isn't either the be and end all or perfect place that various folk want to try and make it, and no amount of ILCF (short of saying "sorry, we can't let you log in") is every going to make it so.
It can only make it a little bit better for somebutnotall and a little bit worse for somebutnotall ... with a degree of cross-over somebutnotall of the time.
No biggie AFAIC.