I just realised my art portfolio could be banned because it's hosted at DA DeviantArt.
Could be false positive under filters
Or correctly filtered based on the subjectively/complaint based "unwanted" list, depending on how hand in hand various big business Art House types are with the prevailing Government and how strong the desire of both are in relation to stamping out independants and rogues.
Just like with the news media, music industry, and film distributors etc.
Tis plain to see what sort of things are going to end up in the "unwanted" basket – and who will be making the efforts to have them put in that basket ... and I reckon that the likes of FF are the LEAST of your concerns in that regard.
As for being filtered, I had my first "google has hidden/removed one search result due to content reported as being illegal by complaint system" type message the other day.
Interestingly enough, I was searching the word "internut" (and discovered that folk have been using it for a long, long, LONG time) but I've just gone back to search for it again so I could get the exact text to quote in here of the message google presented at the bottom of the results list, and it no longer appears for that particular search.
Anyone else ever got that kind of message and can still duplicate it so we can all take a look at what it looks like ?
Anyway, I suspect a similar sort of messaging system will be used when ILCF is brought in.