Friday, November 14, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt11

Currently the 'list' is maintained not by law but by a bureaucrat that sits in ACMA looking into things that people may have reported they were offended by some website regardless of whether the intentions of the complainant are true or not.

(quick eduction: "opposing opinion != troll", ok ? And do you want a world containing only folk who agree with you on everything, hmmm ?)

"Intentions of the complainant" ? I tend to reckon that if someone has gone to the effort of complaining to something other than the thin air around them, then their intentions are at very least noble and justified in their own mind !

After all, how do you explain/justify your own complaints ?

I'd not really want to have the job of being "on the board" or whatever when it come to deciding classifications and what goes into the filter, as I'm not really willing to sacrifice my own mind and memory to the kind of stuff we are talking about as needing classification ... and I mourn the fact that both the data and the need to catagorise it in the first place even exists at all.

Which is why I reckon it will come down to A.I.s in the long, long, run.

The ILCF shall change nothing, the genie was let out of the bottle a long time ago.

No huge argument there (and cheers that we are able to quickly move on to using ILCF ... the longer form of presentation was getting tedious). So the genie has been let out of a bottle, but the bottle was still bounded and thus the genie is still contained and thus controllable.

Tis all just a matter of effort, willingness, and time ... oh, and numbers.

Could you guarantee 100% that the filter could never and would never be used to censor something that might be embarrassing to the government of the time or an ally?

I'm sure that given the opportunity that it WOULD for a time, but it wouldn't be the end of the world, or all that surprising ... or effective for that matter !

I have faith that those desiring power for themselves will nearly always seek to attain it ... and that there will always be resistance to that and ultimately successful resistance at that. Complacency is a far greater evil in my book.

Will this filter magically stop all child sex abuse? Has it shown that it could even cause a reduction in the number of children abused both in Australia and overseas? Will it stop predators from grooming children over chat? No on all counts.

I don't think that any sensible person is thinking that ILCF is going to be the Magic Bullet that kills all the monsters once and for all – or even wings many of them ... but it is a start and the attempt is certainly worth making don't you think ?
