Thursday, October 30, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt4

our elected Government also has a Responsibility to categorize activities as "illegal" based on the standards of the community who elected it.

Absolutely Mark (oh, and apologies for my initial clumsy arrival to this thread, whether you saw it or not) ... and the majority this time around would be ?

Now, cast your eyes around the wider community. Do you see much evidence that mandatory online censorship for adults is consistent with that community's standards?

The wider community in which constituent ? ;) I see the same evidence as you do – it's just that our own filters differ somewhat.

My filter presents the evidence (especially that gathered from this very thread) as lotsa folk generally wanting or willing to get away with and obtain for themselves anything that takes their fancy when given the chance and damn the torpedoes, so at first glance, it would appear that a general community sentiment is "bugger off and leave me alone".

But that is the problem with merely glancing. Depth and detail gets missed. I reckon a closer look reveals not too much in the way of community nor standards, and the problem is spreading to the detriment of all.

With that in mind, isn't it more the Government's Responsibility to preserve and/or restore society as best it can as opposed to foolishly recatagorising "illegal" based on what current community standard have unfortunately become ?

Giving the obese kid more donuts because that's what he wants doth not a good parent make. Apply accordingly up the line. :)

You bang on and on and on about responsibilities whenever anyone starts talking about rights; You always have

Absolutely. The latter aren't deserved nor will ever function properly or successfully without the former.

But the missing part of your world view is that you think Governments are completely free from both rights and responsibilities, dealing instead in raw authority.

Dunno where you get that from Mark – I've always thought things like accountability and duty, along with an obvious limit of time available to enjoy such stuff, is a given when saying "our elected government". Ah well, I'll try and be a tad more concise in the future ;)

Keep it up, you're doing fine.

I know. It is going to be interesting to see what is finally achieved out of all of this ... but hey, WE WERE THERE. Viva la revolucion !

do you have any more copies of Mystery 666, by the way? I lost the one you sent me in a house move about 15 years ago. Which was a shame, because it was always a great show-and-tell object to make people laugh about the state of the human condition.

ghods, next we'll be talking about how Obama is the antichrist !

Get back on topic, you ... but as we do, here is a link for you re: Stanton's book:

Order before Fielding's Fundamentalist Filters get it :)

(Sorry Mods ... please spare us that last momentary indulgence ... back on track now)
