Monday, October 27, 2008

Posted @ whirlpool - ILCF pt2

Just think how much better for the economy it would be if the money is spent on items that actually improve rather than hinder the productive capability of the nation.

Not all spending is good for the economy. Please read this:

Sure, TANSTAAFL ... but what's in it for me ?!

... and think of the kiddies !

Come on folks, we've already shown we are prepared to sacrifice a little because of the big bad terrorists, so how much more should we be prepared to sacrifice for our children, hmmm ?

Where HAS the spirit of the ANZACs gotten to these days ?

Besides, there is plenty a dollar to be made out of this while the clever ones get busy creating a Internut system beyond all Government controls anywhere.

Yup, in the context of the broken window parable the shop-keeper doesn't get to spend his guilders the way he wants to – but nearly everyone else involved does, and in the case to hand, the "nearly everyone else" are those of us who don't really care who knows what they use the Internut for and actually do rather it was better governed in relation to whole bunch of stuff.

Ask yourself. WWJB ? ... and now you "B" accordingly :)

As for the poor shopkeeper in your parable ? Oh boohoo that he couldn't spend his guilders on pron and prostitution and the glazier got to send his own kid to a private school instead ...

Seems to me that mainly Good would come out of the right kind of filtering system.

Tell you what, why don't we allocate a fixed/permanent IP number to every soul, server, system, company, and business in Oz (much like a tax file number et al) for the life of the same, and log everything associated with the same for the life of the same whilst also giving FREE (well, free as anything tax-payer funded can be) Internut access to everyone in Oz.

No need for anyone to whine about having to pay to be monitored, and well logged patterns can be referred back to in the case of attention drawn to oneself rather than relying upon on-the-fly monitoring/filtering.

Thats kind of system can provide alibi for the innocent and/or hijacked, help kill spam dead once and for all, and provide whole new levels of protection and convenience as yet only dreamed about by Trekkie fans.

We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Current petulant "waa, waa, waa"ing is doing it the hard way IMBO.

Kinda the boring way of progressing, too.
