Thursday, August 19, 2010

"HumphreyB vs Abbott" rescued from blatting. :)

As is my tradition in relation to posts I make in public forums that for one unjust reason or another end up blatted, I've recreated here a recent message that received that attention, and no doubt at "special request" and summons. ;)

Yeah I saw certain folk log in, and what do you know, the following message from over 60 posts earlier, strangely disappeared without a trace.

Thank goodness for extensive secondary archives, eh ?

So, here is MIA post 573 from the "Election 10" thread at the forums.


Monday 16/08 Q&A ... Tony Jones and stacked audience (with photos to prove it ) vs Tony Abbott.

Last week, Guile-ard was in the "hot seat" ... except she apparently had advance notice of the questions ... and my how she droned on and was utterly uninspiring.

Tonight, Abbott is in the "hot seat" and Tony Jones informs all and sundry that none of the questions are pre-known to Abbott.

Abbott proves to be both engaging, convincing, and clearly up to the task ... and by the look of him, he has certainly weathered the campaign trail far better than Jaded Jools.

Oh, and speaking of jaded, howz this qanda audience at minute mark 42.09ish !?

Obviously most folk filmed at that point were "Not Happy Jan" that Abbott was able to answer everything so politely, approachably ... and sensibly.

Obviously some folk in the audience weren't happy at all at how much Abbott was the better man !

Hint: BTBers will prolly wanna watch from minute mark 44:44

A bigger hint ? Ok, try:

A moment of prayer ?

A tongue-poke bit of flirting with a fellow Roman Catholic ?

A synchronized example of the famous Trendy Lefty "head tilt" ?

A semi/half hidden "shaka sign" ... or was it a "fair shake of the sauce bottle" ?

Anyhoo, congrats on getting your question in HumphreyB, even if it was too clever by half and only provided Abbott with the opportunity to say what he wanted to say and further promote what you would rather be deemed irrelevant.

[Morning after ADIT] BTW, the above images are hardly the first seen in all their glory on the BTB forums ... though it may well be the first revealing of a snappy tie tied well. For comparitive reference see the BTB posts here, here, and here for starters. Yes, I've obviously just [adit]ed this because of a presumed likelyhood of 3rd parties to raise an ignorant "waa" where none is warranted.

[ADIT++] For those who don't wanna watch qanda to hear HumphreyB's qanda question to Tony Abbot, here it is as presented at Our, um, Their (the left's) ABC qanda webpage here

Mr Abbott, are you aware that by using your boat phone, you might be contravening Article 32 of the UNHCR Convention that refers to state obligations in regard to refugees – that “(THE) State shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory except on grounds of national security or public order...?”
I guess nobody told our HumphreyB that "boatphone" was nothing more than an a failed attempt at a smear and joke invented by the Trendy Lefty journalists and fellow "look@me" twittering wannabees for the day, and that the original interview and report mentioned no such thing ... but that's the Trendy Lefties for ya; always trying to suggest something is there when it is not. Unicorns are their stock in trade after all.

Anyhoo, I found that the compassionate and concerned pity in Abbott's eyes as the question was read to him, quite moving.
